“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Thursday, September 3, 2015

It's All in the Name...

We've had blogs before, separately.  We find ourselves wanting to share one now.  The last few years have been difficult ones.  The thing about difficulties, though, is that they bring opportunities to learn and grow.  Some of them have been painful, but they were needed.  At this point, we find ourselves with over a century of living between us.  We would like to share our thoughts on life and living, work and labor, prayer, spirituality, belief, love and laughter and so much more.  The things that matter.

We would be honored if you would come spend time with us as we amble and ramble along.  We will try not to bore you.  We aren't very politically correct and have no plan to become so.  You may not like some of the things we have to say and that is okay.  We would like to challenge some of what passes for wisdom in today's culture.  Don't take it personally, unless you really need to.  Don't be surprised if we slip off track now and again.  Above all, remember that the last word in the blog's title is "laugh".  We intend to.  We've fallen behind over the last few years in that department and have a lot of catching up to do.

Wishing you much love, light and laughter in the days to come,

Gina & Steven

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